Posted on 4 October 2019

WINTicare™: The Oil/Water “SEP-Analyzer”

WINTECH Global is currently looking for an industrial partner interested in the “SEP-Analyzer” technology WINTicare™ (U.S. Patent No. 9,945,833) in view of its deployment on a global scale.

In particular, this solution responds to the economic and environmental challenges related to the Oil/Water separation domain including the growing market of produced water treatment.

Indeed, this patented solution is part of a global strategic approach whose objective is to address the identified problems related not only to the inevitable diversification of oil characteristics, but also to the optimization of production yields and the tightening of environmental regulations.

In a sustainable industrial context, the optimized management of conveyed and treated fluids is an integral part of the major parameters to be controlled.

If you are interested by this technology: Contact us