Posted on 6 November 2017

WINTnova™, the right solution for modern industry challenges

The process industries do experience profound changes in an attempt to adapt to an ever more demanding environment. The operating conditions are regularly changing and, in most cases, become more and more rigorous, making it more difficult to meet the performance goals. In addition, even if the vast majority of equipment is aging, the installations must still resist increasing yields requirements while maintaining a high level of availability and safety.

The answer to these challenges implies a transverse vision and an advanced management of assets reliability. WINTnova™, proprietary solution developed by WINTECH Global®, provides this information essential to characterize the condition and performance of industrial installations, but also to qualify the monitoring and control methods implemented. The results of WINTnova™ Audit are tangible, their content and form of the delivered information are unique; it provides customers with clear and centralized data about the actual condition of their facilities as well as prioritized action plans to ensure reliability and long-term safe performance. Since the launch of this modern and efficient solution, WINTnova™ Audit & Diagnosis has proved its worth through successful international applications (including Europe, USA, Asia and Latin America).

Strengthened by its expertise and independence, WINTECH Global® has a duty of excellence towards its customers: as such WINTnova™ is a real answer to the need for Asset qualification and continuous improvement in an increasingly dynamic industrial context.